
Publishing 220

Modulekode PUB 220
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

*Closed - requires departmental selection.
The Visual and Production Dimensions of Publishing. This module offers a theoretical positioning of graphic design, reproduction and printing within the publishing process, as well as practical applications thereof. The following topics are addressed in the theoretical positioning: graphic design practice; the historical development of the relationship between reproduction and printing innovations and graphic design styles; the use of visual elements in publications; the management role of the editor in this phase.
During the practical component learners are introduced to selected applications of DTP software and the practical aspects of the production phase.

Modulekrediete 20.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 3 lectures per week, 3 practicals per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Information Science
Period of presentation Semester 2

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